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About Us



Gunnar Kristiansen

Office Administrator
Facility Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
Director of Music
MNLCP Administrator

Krista Schweppe

Husmor (Kitchen Coord.)

Charlotte Breivik

Council 2025

Vice President

Toby Hillmann

Tom Peterson
Doug Watkins

Bob Worrall


Nancy Watkins, chair

Laurie Agrimson

Michael Harty
Wendi Storhoff




Mindekirken was founded in 1922, in a world changed by WWI. The elusiveness of peace helped turn the country inward, resulting in a great emphasis on all to be 100% American. Foreign language-speaking churches were rapidly converting to English-only services. However, there were those who saw the need to preserve their heritage, especially in their place of worship.

In the fall and winter of 1921, Rev. C.J. Eastvold, President of the Southeast District of the newly formed Norwegian Lutheran Church in America, asked six men and one woman to help form a Lutheran congregation providing services in Norwegian for as long as anyone would hear and understand it. On Jan. 9, 1922 the congregation was formed with 22 charter members.


After several temporary locations, the cornerstone of the present church was laid in 1929. The dedication took place on May 4, 1930, with much fanfare and a large crowd overflowing the church. The official name of Den Norske Lutherske Mindekirke was adopted at about this time.


Difficult days came with the Depression. Bonds had been sold to build the church and as the economic situation worsened, making payments became all but impossible. After much time and effort, Mindekirken's pastor at that time, Rev. Rasmussen, was able to arrange to pay off the bonds at a reduced rate with a loan from the Sons of Norway.

Even at the beginning cultural activities were a natural extension of the congregation. Women's groups were organized early and have continuously sponsored events to support missions and the congregation. These continue today in several popular events surrounding food and crafts and fellowship that are well attended by those interested in the Norwegian heritage ties to be found at Mindekirken.

Over time Mindekirken has continued as a gathering place for people who wish to celebrate their Norwegian and Scandinavian cultural ties in a Lutheran setting. Today the church also serves as a link between the Midwest and Norway, and we are visited by any number of Norwegian dignitaries throughout the year, especially on Syttende Mai and during the Christmas season.

Mindekirken remains true to its original mission as a living church in Norwegian, but has become so much more to those who belong and visit by being a lasting and tangible link to their past and current cultural identity, as well as being a guide in their spiritual lives.

Our Congregation

It was 1922 when Norwegian immigrants, wishing to worship in their own native language founded Den Norske Lutherske Mindekirke – known by everyone today as Mindekirken. Mindekirken is still a home for Norwegians and all those interested in experiencing the rich cultural heritage Mindekirken has to offer! Visitors from Norway come to Mindekirken for worship as they do in Norway and a good visit over a strong cup of coffee.


If you'd like to become a full or associate member, please fill out this form and bring it to the church office. Velkommen!

Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Mindekirken! Whether you're interested in helping every week, once a year, or anything in between, we're so glad to have you!


Please submit this form or contact us:

Volunteer Coordinator, Synneva Bratland:

Church Office: (612) 874-0716


To volunteer during Sunday Worship please sign up here

or email Nancy Watkins:

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(612) 874-0716


924 E 21st St
Minneapolis MN 55404

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